Nursery Room
3 months - 2 years
Our huge purpose built Nursery room, is designed to look after up to 12 children at any one time. The nursery area is split into a cosy carpeted play area and a laminated wipe clean play area, with a sleeping area to one side and access to their own garden.

From the very first day they start with us the children are introduced to the first stages of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, which provides guidence on the different stages of development from birth all the way through to the end of their reception year at school.
The children are provided with many different learning opportunties, from messy play, treasure baskets, fine motor activities to quite time in the cosy book corner. The children have access to their own dedicated outdoor play space, which is accessed by a rear door and will allow for lots of time to explore the outside.
We also have pushchairs to take the children out for walks in the local community, visiting different places and enjoying the local park.
Each day a 'daily record' sheet is completed for parents, which is handed to you daily and details: nappy changes, meal times, sleep times and any other useful information. Staff also upload observations onto tapestry our online learning journey whcih can be accessed at home via the 'tapestry' app.
Each child’s needs are carefully assessed and through working with all parents/carers we ensure we always provide the best possible care for each individual child. We do not have rigid rountines and support each childs individual routines. We continuously review each child’s needs and development, working with the parents/carers through verbal hand overs, all about me documents and care plans which are completed and reviewed regularly to ensure we can provide the best possible care.​
Our experienced staff will help your child to settle into the setting. The settling in period is completely free of charge to ensure all children are completely settled before their agreed start date. These sessions are tailored to each childs needs allowing them to become familiar with the environment and the staff, in particular their key person. During this time, we will discuss routines, likes and dislikes, and provide support for each family during this transition.

For more information please download our PROSPECTUS, call us on 01202 855839 or email us at
We strongly encourage all new parents to come and see the setting. please contact us to book your appointment.